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Friday 16 February 2018

Growing Methi/Fenugreek Leaves

How to grow Fenugreek Leaves indoors or outdoors!

Learn how to grow Fenugreek step by step and its easy to grow if you follow these steps and happy gardening!
Fenugreek or Methi is native to Southwest Asia and widely cultivates for its medicinal and culinary uses and its a magical plant as seeds are used as spice, dried leaves as herb and fresh leaves as vegetable.

Growing Season: Spring and summer (year round in tropics and indoors).

Do check the recipe using Methi leaves here👉 Recipe using methi

Growing Methi is easy, whether you live in a subtropical or tropical part of the world or in colder part. It can be grown both on grounds or in containers. You can even grow it on windowsills in small pots or in balcony or terrace.
1.)  Take a shallow wide planter at least 6 inches deep with good drainage.
2.) Fill with good potting mix till 3/4th. You can use compost, sand and soil too.
3.) Sprinkle some seeds all over it and a thin quarter inch layer of soil over them.
4.) Now sprinkle with some water.
5.) Within 2-3 days it will start sprouting.
6.) Check the result after 1 week time.
7.) Within 20 days fenugreek will be ready for harvest.

Plant 3-4 pots in 5-6 days difference to enjoy continuous harvest of Methi leaves.

Soil & Care:
Fenugreek prefers neutral soil with pH level around 6-7. Plant it in a spot that receives at least 4 hours of sun with shade in afternoon. Do regular watering, let the soil dry out between watering sessions and not to over water the plant as it can rotten the roots. Fenugreek does not require fertilizer however, you can mix compost in soil while planting.

Pests & Diseases:
Fenugreek does not have many pests and diseases.

Harvesting Fenugreek:
Within 20 days fenugreek/methi will be ready for first harvest, chop up its leaves to use as green vegetable and prepare delicious recipes or air dry it to use as herb. Leave twings, which will grow up again within 15 days time, you can do this up to four times. To harvest seeds you have to wait for 2-4 months and that depends on the growing conditions.

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