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Friday 23 May 2014

Energy Bars


Energy Bars Recipe

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Yield: 15p


Brown sugar - 1 cup
Jaggery - 1 cup
Müsli mix - 2 cup
Water - 2 tbsps
Butter - 3 tbsp
Salt a pinch
Pepper pwd a pinch


1. Dry roast müsli mix  for 2 mins or until light golden color and keep it aside.

2. Place a baking sheet on flat surface or grease a baking tray or plate and keep it aside.

3. Now take a frying pan and let be on high flame for 2 mins .Now add water,brown sugar,jaggery,salt,pepper,butter and let the sugar and jaggery dissolve with water keep stirring it vigorously .

4. Keep on stirring it (it may take 10 to 15 mins to make the syrup for bars).Lets check the syrup is ready or not by  taking little bit of syrup in cold water you should be able to make a ball in water and it should be chewable or take abit of syrup with your fingers and you should feel like a glue.


5. If you think the syrup is ready then off the flame and stir in the oats mix quickly and transfer it to the baking sheet or greased tray and flaten the mixture using rolling pin and cut them into squares quickly.

6. Now let it cool down completly and store bars in a air tight container and enjoy these tasty energy bars.Stays fresh for up to 10 days.


  • Musli- I used here contains(Quick cooking oats,sesame seeds,raisins,nuts,grains,pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds).

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