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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Sunnundalu / Urad dal Ladoo

Sunnundalu / Urad Dal Ladoo Recipe

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 5 mins
Type: easy


Urad dal : 1&1/2cups

Jaggery : 1&1/2 cups
Gound Almond powder : 1/2 cup
Cashew nuts(chopped) : 1/2cup
Almonds/raisins(chopped) : optional
Ghee(as needed) : 1&1/2cups


1. Take a pan dry roast urad dal till golden brown color and let it cool completely.

2. Blend roasted urad dal for 1 sec then add jaggery and blend them together to make a fine powder

3. Fry cashew nuts with ghee (as shown in the picture) and let it cool abit.

4. Mix almond powder,blended mixture with ghee and nuts .

5. Mix well and take 2 spoons of mixture and try to make round ball or into ladoo shape.

6. Sunnundalu is ready to serve.


  • Healthy for kids and they are gonna love these.

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