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Tuesday 23 August 2016

quinoa upma

quinoa upma recipe, how to make quinoa upma

quinoa is revered as "the mother of all grains". Today, the popularity of quinoa has exploded as people discover its versatility and superfood qualities.

There are two types quinoa white quinoa and red quinoa, both have almost same nutrition.
                                                              Quinoa Seeds/Grains

 This powerful ancient grain has an excellent source of fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6 and folate B9, ideal for any health conscious diet.
Quinoa is cooked same as rice like quinoa : water(1:2) ratio. One cup of dried quinoa yields three cups of cooked quinoa.
It is so versatile because it can take on any added flavours just like rice. Its full of protein and a good substitute for non-meat eaters to get there daily protein.

Quinoa Upma Recipe:

Prep time : 5mins
Cooking time : 20mins
Waiting time : 40mins
Type : easy
Yields : 2-3 persons


Quinoa seeds - 3/4 cup (washed)
Broken wheat/Godhuma ravva - 1/4 cup
Water - 2 cups
Green chilli paste - 1/2tsp
Oil - 1tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2tsp
Zeera seeds - 1/3tsp
Urad daal - 1/2tsp
Curry leaves/flakes - few/ 1/4tsp

Onions - 1small (finely chopped lengthwise)
Potato - 1small (chopped into small pieces and washed)
Fresh/Frozen peas - 1/4cup
Tomato - 1 medium (finely chopped)
Ginger - 1inch (grated)
Coriander leaves - 1tbsp (washed and finely chopped)


1.) Take a steel vessel on stove/hub with oil, add mustard seeds+zeera seeds+urad daal and fry until mustard seeds get splatter. Now add curry leaves/flakes+ginger, give it a stir.

2.) Add onions+ potato pieces+salt, give it a stir and cook for 2 minute by covering with lid.

3.) Now add green peas+green chilli paste, stir and cook for 1 more minute.

4.) Add tomato pieces, stir and cook for 4 minutes by covering with lid.

5.) Add water+coriander leaves and adjust the salt to your taste buds now, bring it to boil.

6.) Its time to add quinoa+wheat ravva, give it a stir.

7.) Cook it in cooker until 2 whistles and off the stove and rest it for atleast 40 minutes from the time you switched off the stove. This waiting time gives upma the perfect texture.
Incase if you are not using cooker and cooking directly on stove then just cook it on low to medium heat for 15 to 17 minutes by covering with lid, also stirring for every 3 minutes until water is fully absorbed. Now simmer and cook it further, checking time now take little bit of grains to your fingers and if you can mash grains easily then off the stove and let it sit for 15 more minutes. Give it a big stir and serve it with coconut chutney or on its own.

8.) After waiting time, remove pan from cooker and give it a gentile stir and upma is ready to eat. Serve it with coconut chutney or on its own.


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