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Monday 29 May 2017

Home-made Hash Browns

Home-made Hash Browns Recipe, how to make hash browns @home!

Texture, this classic breakfast item is crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, literally melts in the mouth and you will end up saying "hmmmm want more😊". I would agree there's just something satisfying about crisp, brown, buttery potatoes.
Serving suggestions, serve these super crispy hash browns with toast & beans or fried tomatoes & mushrooms for breakfast.

This classic Hash Browns Recipe, the most popular breakfast in U.K. These are easy to make and much healthier (as this is non-deep fried version), tastier than the packet version!
But hash browns can easily go wrong, too often they're mushy on the inside, pale and lack that crispy goodness on the outside,

Ket points to know,
1. Shred the potatoes - It creates longer, more uniform strands. A greater box works.

2. Rinse & soak potatoes - Soak shredded potato strands in ice cold water to release some starch. This helps to avoid that awkwardly raw centre between crispy outer layers.

3. Squeezing water - Squeeze out all water and we want absolutely dry potato strands.

4. Non-stick pan - Non-stick allows for nice even browning without fear of tearing.

5. No touching - "cook undisturbed", this is absolutely essential. Let them brown and crispy on one side, then only flip them gently and fry them on the other side. Repeat until perfect.

Following these steps will lead you to the best ever hash browns, trust me!

Making suggestions, I usually make the mixture and leave it in fridge overnight, this way the mixture will firm nicely, easy to make shapes, roast them and it will be ready in 5 minutes (on time for breaks)- hot & hot hash browns on your plate.
If you don't have time then that's fine go ahead and make shapes after step 5.

Step by step pictures & preparation on how to make hash browns!

Prep time: 5-7 minutes
Resting time: 10min + 1hr
Cooking time: 7+5 minutes
Cuisine: U.K
Yields: 12-15 pieces


Potatoes - 500g
Butter - 3tbsp, unsalted
Plain flour - 2tsp
Rice flour - 2tsp
Salt to taste
Pepper powder a pinch


1.) Wash, peel and grate the potatoes with a box grater, grate potatoes into a long strands and rinse once.
2.) Add these shredded potatoes to the ice cold water, let the shreds sit in the water for about 5 to 10 minutes to remove some starch.
3.) Remove the potatoes from the water, take little by little by your hands and squeeze out all excess liquid and repeat this until you squeeze out all the water from shredded strands.
4.) Heat butter in a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Now place this shredded potato strands, mix well and fry them until they are 75% done (checking for doneness-  you will still bite that raw crunchiness when you eat or cut them with fingers) by stirring them frequently. It will take around 5 to 8 minutes. Don't let the mixture burnt at this step. Quantity will be reduced at this time.
5.) Transfer them to a bowl, let it cool for 5minutes, add salt+pepper+plain flour+rice flour and mix it by using fork but don't over mix it as it breaks the shreds or gets mashy and we don't won't it to be happen.
6.) Now transfer this mixture to a tray or plate and press it down nicely, trim the edges by pushing them inside and make it like a big burger patty like up to 1 inch thickness as shown in the picture.
7.) Cover with cling film and place the tray in refrigerator for at least 1 hour (I prefer overnight stay in refrigerator) this way the mixture will firm up nicely.
8.) Take desired cookie cutter and make shapes.
9.) Scrape left over mixture, place it in the cookie cutter and press it down hard for more shapes, repeat this step until you finish all the mixture. Place all the shapes on a plate and leave it aside.
10.) Heat butter or oil in the same large non-stick pan over medium heat. Place the potato cakes gently in to the pan.
11.) Fry or cook undisturbed until its golden brown on one side. Flip them slowly with a spatula and fry again until its brown on both sides. Add more butter if it requires.
12.) Take them out to a serving plate and enjoy having them for breakfast.


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